Elder's receive training from the WTBTS for training.
No background check is done!
There are many very perverted elders who are in power over committee meetings!
Drinking is okay and getting drunk is okay as long as no one see them.
Yes, they are to abide by confidentiality rule during personal committee meetings, but so far 100 percent of the elders on my elders meetings had broken this rule.
Here a good example, when I was trying to get reinstated their was this sick elder, Getsfreed. He had a problem of looking down sisters' blouses at the Kingdom Hall. One time, he turned around as I was sitting down waiting for the meeting to start, he turned and stared at my bust for a very long time! it was so bad that a near by pioneer told him to turn around. I did not feel that I could say anything considering he was one of the elders and on my committee meeting. Another elder told me that every one has problems and they are trying to help him.
How would you like to have him on YOUR elders committee!
Prior, to my reinstatement Getsfreed and Chuck Martini during one of my elders meetings said they did not need to know why I got disfellowshipped and only the original elders would need to know that information. They asked me not to talk about it.
After I was reinstated, Chuck Martini confessed on the phone that he had to find out why I was disfellowshipped 25 some years ago! He claimed he was trying to help me out.
There YOUR confidentiality and this group was mild compared to the other elders I had at different Kingdom Halls!